Neurological Disorders
Home remedies to treat a concussion

Concussion is a condition that happens when the head suffers a physical con

Neurological Disorders
Ways to treat a concussion

A concussion, typically, occurs when brain hits your skull. Your brain is a

Neurological Disorders
How to find a natural cure for restless legs

Are you not able to sleep every night because of an annoying crawling, ting

Neurological Disorders
5 popular cures for restless legs to help you get a good night’s sleep

You might be surprised to know that about 10% of Americans suffer from Rest

Neurological Disorders
4 effective exercises to treat back spasms

Lifting a pen, drinking water, lifting weights in the gym, walking, etc. al

Neurological Disorders
5 home remedies to relieve pain caused by spasms

Here's a condition that affects the athletes and regular individuals alike-

Neurological Disorders
4 signs and symptoms of ALS

The human body is quite an intricate thing since the mechanisms involved in

Neurological Disorders
4 essential therapies to treat the signs and symptoms of ALS

The human body is vulnerable to diseases which can easily override the immu

Neurological Disorders
Treatments and cure of Bell’s palsy

Bell's palsy occurs when there is an inflammation or swelling in the nerve

Neurological Disorders
What causes Bell’s palsy

A condition where there is temporary weakness or paralysis in the facial mu